Blade Runner
Character: Street Urchin
A city is a mayhem of sound
There is no escape for me
Will the noises ever stop?
The temple men in their shiny glass citadel
Impervious to everything
Sterile and cold
Taking nothing in but reflecting the world back onto itself
What are their secrets?
Do they know silence?
I’m a man of the street
I came out of my mother right down that alley
Right onto the filthy grey stone sidewalk
I’ve always smelled like gutter
It was probably noisy in the womb too
But I bet it was warm
Not cold like here
This building behind me is new I think
Look how high it stretches to the sky
If I search for the top I get dizzy
They all look the same
Lines upon lines upon lines
Dark towers of electricity and metal and glass
I heard about a tree once
They say it was green
I wish I could’ve seen it
Smelled its leaves
Something alive growing from this wretched earth
I live in this box
Dank and damp and smelling of the worst of the world
But it’s a soft place to lay my head
In this hard city